/* * WiFi LED ON/OFF TEST * PWM Control */ #include <WiFi.h> #include "FS.h" #include <SPIFFS.h> #include <Ticker.h> //#define DEBUG const char* ssid = "hogehoge"; const char* password = "hogehogepaswd"; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 32); // for fixed IP Address IPAddress gateway(192,168, 1, 1); // IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // IPAddress DNS(192, 168, 1, 90); // WiFiServer server(80); String html_1; String resp_1; byte led_brightness = 0 ; int val = 0 ; char local_val[10]="checked" ; char remote_val[10]="" ; bool local = true ; bool localen = false ; Ticker ticker; bool ticker_val = false ; int vol_value = 0 ; int loopcnt = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); SPIFFS.begin(); //SPIFFSを開始 pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // set the LED pin mode WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet, DNS); // Set fixed IP address delay(10); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network ----------------------------- Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected."); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); server.begin(); //index.htmlファイルの読み込み File index1 = SPIFFS.open("/test_pwm_vol.html", "r"); if(!index1) Serial.println("file open failed"); else{ html_1 = index1.readString(); //index.htmlをstringで読み込み index1.close(); //ファイルを閉じる } //resp.htmlファイルの読み込み File index2 = SPIFFS.open("/resp_slid.html", "r"); if(!index2) Serial.println("file open failed"); else{ resp_1 = index2.readString(); //index.htmlをstringで読み込み index2.close(); //ファイルを閉じる } // for LED PWM Control --------------------------------------------------- ledcSetup(0, 5000, 13); // setup channel 0 with frequency 5000 Hz, 13 bit precission for LEDC timer ledcAttachPin(2,0); // attach pin 2 to channel 0 ledcWrite(0, 0); // initialize channel 0 to off // for Ticker ticker.attach_ms(100, execTicker) ; // 割り込み間隔と割り込み処理を設定。 } void loop(){ WiFiClient client = server.available(); // listen for incoming clients int pos ; int xhr ; String cmd = "" ; String htmlwk = "" ; String respwk = "" ; if (ticker_val) { // フラグが true だったら、処理を実行。 do_JOB() ; } if (client) { // if you get a client, # ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("***** Client access start *****"); // print a message out the serial port #endif xhr = 0 ; while (client.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected if (client.available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client, String line = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // Get Line data until '\n' # ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(line); #endif if ((pos= line.indexOf("GET /?remote")) != -1) { pos += 13 ; while(line.charAt(pos) !=' ') { cmd += line.charAt(pos++) ; } if (cmd=="local") { local = true ; ticker.attach_ms(100, execTicker) ; // 割り込み間隔と割り込み処理を設定。 strcpy(local_val,"checked") ; strcpy(remote_val,"") ; } else { local = false ; localen = false ; ticker.detach() ; strcpy(local_val,"") ; strcpy(remote_val,"checked") ; } } if ((pos= line.indexOf("GET /?pol")) != -1) { xhr=1; } if ((pos= line.indexOf("GET /?slid")) != -1) { pos += 11 ; while((line.charAt(pos) >='0') & (line.charAt(pos) <='9')) { cmd += line.charAt(pos++) ; } val = cmd.toInt() ; if (val>256) val = 255 ; led_brightness = (byte)val ; xhr=1; } if ((pos= line.indexOf("GET /?led_v")) != -1) { pos += 12 ; while((line.charAt(pos) >='0') & (line.charAt(pos) <='9')) { cmd += line.charAt(pos++) ; } val = cmd.toInt() ; if (val>256) val = 255 ; led_brightness = (byte)val ; } if ((pos=line.indexOf("GET /?on")) != -1) { // Client request was "GET /?on" led_brightness += 1 ; } if ((pos=line.indexOf("GET /?off")) != -1) { // Client request was "GET /?off" led_brightness = 0 ; } ledcWrite(0, 8191*led_brightness/255) ; // set PWM value to channel#0 if (line.length() == 1 && line[0] == '\r'){ // end of HTTP request if (xhr == 0) { htmlwk = html_1 ; htmlwk.replace("$led_brightness",String(led_brightness)) ; Serial.print("radio_local = "); Serial.println(local); Serial.print("brightness = "); Serial.println(led_brightness); htmlwk.replace("$checked_lo",local_val) ; htmlwk.replace("$checked_rm",remote_val) ; send_html(client,htmlwk) ; // send response to client } else { respwk = resp_1 ; respwk.replace("$led_brightness",String(led_brightness)) ; send_html(client,respwk) ; // send response to client # ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("xhr value :"); Serial.println(led_brightness); #endif } break; // break while loop } } } delay(1); // give the web browser time to receive the data // close the connection: client.stop(); // # ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Client Disconnected."); Serial.println("--------------------------------------------------"); #endif } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void send_html(WiFiClient client, String html ) { client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-type:text/html"); client.println(); client.print(html) ; # ifdef DEBUG Serial.println( " --- send html --- "); #endif } void execTicker() { ticker_val = true ; // フラグを True にする。 } void do_JOB() { // ... 実行したい処理 ... vol_value = analogRead(A4); if (localen == true) { led_brightness = (byte) ((vol_value*255)/4095) ; ledcWrite(0, 8191*led_brightness/255) ; // set PWM value to channel#0 } else if (vol_value == 0) localen = true ; loopcnt++ ; if (loopcnt ==10) { Serial.println("") ; Serial.print( "A4 :") ; Serial.println(vol_value) ; loopcnt = 0; } ticker_val = false ; // 処理を実行したら、フラグを false にする。 }
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='ja'><head><meta charset='UTF-8'> <style> #base {font-size:16pt;text-align:center;width:300px;border:solid 4px #93ff93; } #radio_box {font-size:12pt;float:left ;text-align:left; width:45%; } #disp_box {font-size:12pt;float:right;text-align:left; width:50%; } #brightness {font-size:12pt;text-align:right; } #val_box {font-size:12pt;text-align:center; clear:both ;} #ctl_box {text-align:center; } input.radio {margin-left:8px; width:30px;} input.value {margin-left:8px; width:30px;} input.setbutton{margin-left:8px; width:40px;} input.slider {margin-left:8px; width:250px;} input.button {margin:0px 15px; width:100px;} </style> <title>Color LED Controller</title></head> <body> <div id="base"> <p>LED ON/OFF</p> <div id="radio_box"> <form method="get"> <input class='radio' type='radio' name='remote' id="rad_lo" value='local' $checked_lo onclick='disp_ctrl(this.value); submit(this.value)'>local<br> <input class='radio' type='radio' name='remote' id="rad_rm" value='remote' $checked_rm onclick='disp_ctrl(this.value); submit(this.value)'>remote<br> </form> </div> <div id="disp_box"> <span> brightness value</span><br> <div id="brightness"><output id="o1">$led_brightness</output></div> </div> <div id="val_box"> <form method="get"> <span style="font-size:10pt;"> LED brightness (0-255)</span> <input class='value' type='text' name='led_v' value=$led_brightness id='led_v' disabled> <input class='setbutton' type='submit' name='set' id='set' value='SET' disabled> </form> <form method='get'> <input class="slider" type="range" name='led_s' id='led_s' value=$led_brightness min="0" max="255" step="1" disabled onchange="setval(this.value);" oninput="setval(this.value)"; onmouseup="submit(this.form)": ontouchend="submit(this.form)"> </form> </div> <div id="ctl_box"> <form method='get'> <input class='button' type='submit' name='on' id="on" value='ON' disabled > <input class='button' type='submit' name='off' id="off" value='OFF' disabled><br> </form> </div> </div> <script> var polling = null ; function setval(ledval){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("get", "?slid="+ledval ); xhr.timeout = 2000 ; xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); xhr.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', 'Thu, 01 Jun 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); xhr.responseType = 'document' ; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if( (xhr.readyState == 4) && (xhr.status == 200) ) { document.getElementById('led_v').value = xhr.response.getElementById("output1").innerHTML; document.getElementById('o1').innerHTML = xhr.response.getElementById("output1").innerHTML; } } xhr.ontimeout = function(e) { xhr.abort() ; } xhr.send(); } function getval(){ var xhrget = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhrget.open("get", "?pol" ); xhrget.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); xhrget.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', 'Thu, 01 Jun 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); xhrget.responseType = 'document' ; xhrget.onreadystatechange = function() { if( (xhrget.readyState == 4) && (xhrget.status == 200) ) { document.getElementById('o1').innerHTML = xhrget.response.getElementById("output1").innerHTML; } } ntimeout = function(e) { xhrget.abort() ; } xhrget.send(); } function disp_ctrl( radioid ) { if(radioid == 'remote') { document.getElementById('led_v').disabled = false; document.getElementById('set').disabled = false; document.getElementById('led_s').disabled = false; document.getElementById('on').disabled = false; document.getElementById('off').disabled = false; clearInterval(polling); } else { document.getElementById('led_v').disabled = true; document.getElementById('set').disabled = true; document.getElementById('led_s').disabled = true; document.getElementById('on').disabled = true; document.getElementById('off').disabled = true; polling = setInterval(getval,100) ; } } window.onload = function() { if(document.getElementById("rad_rm").checked) { document.getElementById('led_v').disabled = false; document.getElementById('set').disabled = false; document.getElementById('led_s').disabled = false; document.getElementById('on').disabled = false; document.getElementById('off').disabled = false; clearInterval(polling); } else if(document.getElementById("rad_lo").checked) { document.getElementById('led_v').disabled = true; document.getElementById('set').disabled = true; document.getElementById('led_s').disabled = true; document.getElementById('on').disabled = true; document.getElementById('off').disabled = true; polling = setInterval(getval,100) ; } } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='ja'> <head> <title>Color LED Controller</title></head> <html> <body> <output id='output1'>$led_brightness</output> </body> </html>
122行local = true ;の後にlocalen = true ;が必要では?
do_job処理は、入っているような? その後ifで蹴られているような?
すみません素人が、余分な指摘かも です。
ローカルにした時、ボリュームを '0' に戻さないとボリュームの値を反映しないようにしています。
削除vol_value ==0 で localen=true にしています。 (223,224行目)、